We’ll Help You Put a Plan in Place

While it can be quite a daunting thought, having a will in place can avoid future conflict and provide certainty for all your loved ones and family members should you pass away.  

For this reason, O’Sullivan Legal is here to take the time with you to carefully and patiently help you with your estate planning.  

We’ll attentively listen to your circumstances so we can find the best solution forward, making sure your assets are protected and given accordingly after your passing.  

Rest assured, with our help you will enjoy peace of mind knowing the people you love will be taken care of after you are gone  

Speak to us today to start the estate planning process and get your affairs in order. 

What is Estate Planning?

Estate planning is the management of a person’s financial affairs after their passing. This typically requires the assistance of an estate lawyer, who will provide legal advice and help with documentation, among other arrangements. Depending on your particular circumstances, estate planning may involve creating wills, setting up trusts, designating beneficiaries, and establishing power of attorney.  

The goal of estate planning is to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, reduce estate taxes, and prevent potential legal complications or disputes among your beneficiaries. It also includes planning for potential incapacity and ensuring that your healthcare and financial decisions are managed by a trusted guardian if you are unable to do so yourself.  

Ultimately, estate planning gives you control over your assets and provides clarity for your loved ones in carrying out your final wishes – with the promise of making sure they are cared for.  


Our Wills & Estate Planning Services

Asset Protection

Our asset protection strategies are designed to protect your wealth from potential risks and liabilities. We work closely with you to structure your assets in a way that minimises exposure to creditors and ensures they are preserved for your intended beneficiaries. By implementing robust legal measures, our estate planning lawyers help you maintain control over your financial legacy. 

Blended Family Matters

Estate planning in blended families can be complex, but our experienced team is here to help. We provide tailored solutions that respect the needs and wishes of all family members, ensuring fair and equitable distribution of assets. Our goal is to eradicate potential conflicts and secure the future for all loved ones involved. 

Deed of Family Arrangement

A Deed of Family Arrangement can help resolve disputes among beneficiaries and reallocate assets in a way that honours the wishes of all parties. Our wills and estate lawyers help you draft these agreements to ensure that the settlement is legally binding and fair. This process can prevent lengthy and costly litigation, preserving family harmony. 

Enduring Guardianship/Power of Attorney

Enduring Guardianship and Power of Attorney are critical components of a comprehensive estate plan. We help you appoint trusted individuals to make healthcare and financial decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. These legal instruments ensure that your wishes are respected and your affairs are managed by someone you trust. 

Estate Litigation

Estate litigation wills can arise when there are disputes over the distribution of a deceased person’s assets or the validity of their will. Our dedicated estate planning lawyer is experienced in handling complex cases and representing clients in challenges related to contested wills, trusts, and inheritance disputes. We strive to resolve conflicts effectively, whether through negotiation, mediation, or court proceedings, ensuring that your rights are protected and that a fair resolution is achieved. 

Spousal Maintenance

Spousal maintenance is a critical aspect of family law that ensures financial fairness and support for a spouse following a relationship breakdown. At O’Sullivan Legal, we understand the importance of securing a spousal maintenance arrangement that reflects the needs and circumstances of both parties involved.

Family, Protective, Special Disability & Testamentary Trusts

We specialise in setting up various types of trusts to meet your specific needs, including family trusts, protective trusts, special disability trusts, and testamentary trusts. These legal structures provide for the ongoing care and financial security of your loved ones, especially those with special needs or vulnerabilities. Trusts offer flexibility and control, ensuring your assets are managed according to your wishes. 

Health Directives

A health directive is a crucial part of planning for the future, allowing you to specify your medical treatment preferences in case you are unable to communicate them yourself. We assist in drafting clear and legally sound health directives that reflect your values and wishes. This ensures your healthcare decisions are respected, giving you and your family peace of mind. 

Making a Will

Creating a will is one of the most important steps in ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Our team guides you through the process, ensuring that your will is comprehensive, legally valid, and reflective of your intentions. By having a clear and well-structured will, you can prevent future disputes and ensure your loved ones are provided for. 


Probate is the legal process of administering a deceased person’s estate, and it can be complex and time-consuming. Our experienced probate lawyers will streamline the probate process, helping executors fulfil their duties efficiently and in accordance with the law. We handle all aspects of probate, ensuring a smooth transition of assets to beneficiaries.  


Superannuation is often one of the largest assets in an estate, and it requires careful planning to ensure it is distributed according to your wishes. We provide expert advice on how to nominate beneficiaries and structure your superannuation to maximise benefits and minimise tax implications. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions that protect and optimise your superannuation. 

Tax Planning

Effective tax planning is essential to preserving your estate and making the most of the benefits for your beneficiaries. Our team of estates lawyers provides strategic advice on reducing estate and inheritance taxes through careful planning and the use of legal structures like trusts. We help you navigate the complexities of tax law to ensure your wealth is passed on efficiently and with minimal tax burden 

Wills Disputes

Disputes over estates and wills can be emotionally draining and legally challenging. Our skilled wills and estate lawyers are experienced in resolving these conflicts, whether through negotiation, mediation, or litigation. We work diligently to protect your rights and achieve a fair outcome, preventing stress during difficult times. 

Why We Stand Out

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Comprehensive & Custom Legal Solutions

At O’Sullivan Legal, we are the experts in family law, offering a breadth of experience in various matters surrounding child custody and parenting matters, property settlements, divorce matters, de facto relationships, wills and estates, and much more. With our diversity of legal know-how, we are able to tailor our services to fit your particular circumstances. Our estate lawyers can fit the pieces and find the right solution for you.  

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We Put Our Focus on You

We are all about the ‘client-first’ mantra. We place the utmost priority on ensuring that our client’s needs and circumstances are considered above all. Rest assured, we’ll take the time to understand your unique situation and find the right strategy to align.  

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Always Striving for Amicable Solutions

We know that matters surrounding the family can be quite an emotionally and financially daunting experience. Because of this, we place our first focus on alternative dispute resolution options, like mediation, so that you can resolve your matter as peacefully and efficiently as possible – without the need to take it to court.  

Plan Today, Protect Tomorrow

Planning ahead for your will is critical in ensuring that your loved ones are cared for and your wishes are honoured after you’re gone.  

At O’Sullivan Legal, we pride ourselves on our compassionate and considerate approach to wills and estates, offering a personalised service that sets us apart from others.  

Our experienced team is dedicated to making the process as smooth and stress-free as possible and to ensuring that all family members are taken care of during the procedure.  

Book a consultation today, and let us help you secure your family’s financial future. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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What should I include in my will?

When creating a will, it’s important to include clear instructions for the distribution of your assets, the appointment of an executor, guardianship for minor children, and any specific wishes for your funeral or burial. You may also want to consider including provisions for the care of pets and any personal items of sentimental value. Consulting with a lawyer ensures that all important details are included. 

How do I choose an executor for my will?

Choosing an executor is a critical decision in the estate planning process. Your executor should be someone you trust to carry out your wishes, manage your estate responsibly, and navigate any legal or financial complexities. It’s often advisable to choose someone with good organisational skills and integrity, and you may want to discuss your decision with them in advance to ensure they are willing to take on the role. 

What happens if my will is contested?

If your will is contested, it means that someone is challenging its validity or the distribution of your assets. This can lead to legal proceedings that may delay the administration of your estate. To minimise the risk of your will being contested, it’s important to ensure that it is clearly written, properly executed, and reflective of your true intentions. Working with an experienced lawyer can help reduce the likelihood of disputes. 

How can I update my will?

You can update your will by creating a codicil, which is a legal document that makes changes to your existing will, or by drafting a new will entirely. It’s important to review your will regularly and update it as your circumstances change, such as after a marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or significant changes in your assets.  

Do I need to set up a trust in my will?

Setting up a trust in your will can be beneficial in certain situations, such as when you want to provide for minor children, protect assets from creditors, or manage how and when beneficiaries receive their inheritance. Trusts can offer more control over the distribution of your assets, but they also add complexity to your estate plan.  

What is the role of an enduring guardian?

An enduring guardian is someone you appoint to make personal or lifestyle decisions on your behalf if you lose the capacity to make those decisions yourself. This can include decisions about your healthcare, living arrangements, and other personal matters. Appointing an enduring guardian ensures that someone you trust will act in your best interests if you are unable to do so. 

What are the legal requirements for a valid will?

For a will to be valid in NSW, it must be in writing and signed by the testator (the person making the will) in the presence of two witnesses, who must also sign the will. The testator must have the mental capacity to understand the nature and effect of the will and must do so voluntarily, without undue influence. It’s important to follow these requirements closely to ensure that your will is legally enforceable. 

How can I reduce the likelihood of my will being challenged?

To reduce the likelihood of your will being challenged, ensure that it is clearly written, addresses all your assets and beneficiaries, and follows all legal formalities. You may also consider including a “no-contest” clause or obtaining a medical certificate to confirm your mental capacity at the time of signing. Regularly updating your will to reflect changes in your circumstances can also help prevent disputes. 

What should I do if a loved one dies without a will?

If a loved one dies without a will, their estate will be distributed according to the rules of intestacy, which prioritise spouses, children, and other close relatives. As the next of kin, you may need to apply for Letters of Administration to manage the estate. It’s advisable to seek legal advice for this process, as the distribution can become complex depending on the size of the estate and the number of beneficiaries. 

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Talk to us today.

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